Essai – Digitally Enhance a Product


Digital transformation is now a much broader and more important issue for a company than simply engaging in online sales via an e-commerce site or marketplace. The challenge for the company is much more strategic than the only facts of surviving, following market changes or adapting to its customers, it is above all to offer real added value for its consumers and work on its brand image. Consumers no longer just want to consume a product or service, they are looking above all to live a customer experience throughout their journey.


We will first focus on the rise of smart products adapting to their environment. We will then look at why and how digital has changed the way we consume and transformed customer journeys into a real experience. Finally, we will bring some conclusions on the benefits of offering, for a brand, a complete product experience and improved by the use of technologies.

Informations Complémentaires
Année du document : 2022
Nombre de pages : 3
Référence : 20371
Publié le : 21 novembre 2022
(1 avis client)
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